Steven Loss

Piano, Guitar, Voice, Ukulele

Steven Loss

About Steven Loss

Steven Loss has spent his entire life teaching and performing. He has three degrees in music, including a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the Conservatory of Music at the University of Missouri – Kansas City. Schools and universities where he has taught include: University of Denver, Musik Planet (Stuttgart, Germany), Ottowa University in Kansas, Missouri Western State University, Stephen F. Austin University, College of Southern Nevada, Mohave Community College and Brill Music Academy in Las Vegas.

His career began in opera (Central City Opera, Des Moines Metro Opera, Lyric Opera of Kansas City, Springfield Opera, Quad Cities Symphony Orchestra, Nevada Opera Theater, Opera Las Vegas) and musical theater (CATS, Hamburg, Germany and Tanz Der Vampire, Stuttgart, Germany). Later, in Las Vegas, Steven founded and sang in an old-time cowboy music trio called the Desert Wranglers and sang solo cowboy song concerts in Nevada and Arizona. He also played the part of the father and narrator in a family musical written by his family, called The Adventures of Bone-Dog and Whity, based on the adventures of two stuffed dogs in their house. This musical was performed by the Loss family (with dog costumes) in libraries and churches in the Las Vegas area. Currently, Steven plays guitar and sings Italian love songs two days a week at the Venetian Hotel.

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