About Ana Simonovska-Mroz
Ana Simonovska-Mroz teaches violin and viola. She is a professional violist with more than a decade of experience in teaching, and performing. Ana has a Bachelor of Music Degree in Viola Performance from the State Music Academy “Pancho Vladigerov” in Sophia, Bulgaria, where she studied with Prof. Ognyan Stanchev. She also has a Certificate of Viola Performance and a Master in Music Performance from DePaul University where she studied under Professor Rami Solomonov. Ana has performed with numerous orchestras including Macedonian Philharmonic Orchestra, the Illinois Philharmonic Orchestra, and the Illinois Symphony Orchestra. Ana loves teaching, performing and inspiring. She strives to make music lessons fun while emphasizing creativity, discipline and a strong work ethic. Ana loves seeing her students grow and develop into wonderful musicians.