Student Showcase – June 24, 2018

Student Showcase – June 24, 2018

It’s Recital Time! – Want To Perform In Our Student Showcase?

Families love seeing their student onstage and so do we!    Live Performance is such an important component in your musical journey.  Nothing takes its place for boosting your self-confidence.  Preparing for your performance helps you build your goal-setting and technical skills, too.

Many of our teachers regularly hold recitals, but not all.  Of course you can perform at our weekly Open Mic any time!    But this will be our first ever, open STUDENT SHOWCASE for those students who would like to perform for family and friends!  We’re also doing a PHOTO SHOOT and VIDEO CONTEST during the show!  (more info about these at the bottom of this post)


We will have four, 1-hour sessions featuring 17 performers per session.  If you are interested in signing up, we recommend you first talk to your teacher to make sure you are recital-ready and ask him/her what session he/she may be attending.  Your teacher will help you choose a song and prepare for your performance.  If you’d like to perform with a fellow student, let your teacher know.  All performers will get 5 FREE tickets to invite Family & Friends.  This is a dress up event- it’s show business, baby!

We’ll be taking photos during the show to share on Facebook and in media to promote our lesson programs.  So do not attend this event if you do not want your image captured as we cannot guaranty that in a group event such as this.   After your performance you’ll get a private PHOTO SHOOT and a chance to enter our VIDEO CONTEST for a chance to WIN $100!

Sign up is first come, first serve!  These are the session sign up links:

PHOTO SHOOT  DETAILS:   Our professional photographer will be set up in the green room (Studio near lesson Desk) and will guide you through a quick private photo shoot.  You can pose with your instrument or one that we’ll have in there.  Some lucky students will get their turn to be featured in our Hallway Gallery!  We’re looking for some action shots!    The photographer will give you the info where you’ll be able to view your images and order whatever you’d like.  The sitting is FREE.  Ordering is optional.   You will have the opportunity to give us permission to use your student’s photo shoot image in our hallway, web media and/or print marketing or to opt out.

WANT A CHANCE TO WIN $100??  This is it!   All you have to do is see Kendal after your photo shoot and do a quick video testimonial with her.  Tell the world what you love about Rick’s Music and your lessons here!  Parents are invited to do video testimonials, too!  Video entries will be used in our web media and marketing.  Everyone who participates will be entered into our drawing for $100 cash.  To be drawn during our Facebook Live broadcast at Open Mic Thurs, June 28th.  Can’t make it June 24th and would still like to enter?  Kendal will be available Friday afternoons from now until June 22nd if you’d like to stop in to do a quick video.    Signed media release by an adult is required to participate – of course, what good is a video testimonial if we can’t share it!?  We can’t wait to hear what you think!

Start your musical journey today