2024 Favorite Song Competition

2024 Favorite Song Competition

  • Explicit language or content is not allowed and will be disqualified.
  • Backing tracks/accompanist is acceptable.
  • Does not have to be the intro/theme song, can be any song from any cartoon/movie/TV-show.
  • Time limit of 2:00 min.
  • Submission Opens February 12th.
  • Deadline to Submit is March 4th, 2024.


WINNER – $100 Visa Gift Card & 1st Place Trophy.
RUNNER UP – $50 Visa Gift Card & 2nd Place Trophy.

How to Submit:

  1. Record your video.
  2. Go to wetransfer.com.
  3. Put in your email as you will need to confirm the submission with a PIN# they will send you. It will also alert you if the file is not opened and close to expiring (in which case you can follow up with us as it may be an incorrect email address).
  4. Put in our competition email address in the TO field: nfsmcompetitions@gmail.com.
  5. In the message field, write in: Student’s Name, Student’s Age, Teacher Name, Song Title, and where the song is from (e.g., Name: John Roberts, Age: 9, Teacher: Ms Mary, Song Title: Blank Space, Artist: Taylor Swift).
  6. Click upload. Make sure the upload completes before you navigate away from the screen. If on a smart device, make sure it does not go to sleep (black screen) or the upload will be interrupted and you will need to start over.
  7. Deadline to Submit is March 4th!

Should you have any questions, please contact us at info@northfultonschoolofmusic.com.