Shop at Needham Music

Needham Music is open 10am-6pm Monday through Saturday to shop in person or for curbside pick up! Not only does Needham Music rent and sell instruments, but we also repair them. We have a large selection of music and method books, instrument accessories, and much more!

Needham Music carries brands including (but not limited to):

Band: Armstrong, Bach, Buffet Crampon, Cannonball, King, Selmer

String Instruments: Eastman, Scherl & Roth Guitars: Alvarez, Washburn

Ukuleles: Amahi, Hilo, Penguin

Drums/Percussion: Ludwig, Dixon, Musser

Keyboards: Casio

Amahi Ukulele Glossy Designs $59.99

Laney Mini LX10 Electric Guitar Amplifier

Stagg 3pc. Junior Drum Kit 30% OFF