What to Expect at Your First Music Lesson
Starting something new can be equally exciting and overwhelming. The same can be said for your first music lesson. We often see at The Musicians Woodshed, several new students hiding behind their parents legs or awkwardly looking down at the floor before walking into their first music lesson. No need to worry! We have a couple of simple tips to ensure your first lesson is a positive and inspiring experience!
Everybody starts somewhere, Jimi Hendrix’s first instrument was one string ukulele, Dave Grohl used to practice on pillows! Even if you don’t have your own instrument, there’s plenty of options to get you started on the path of music. It’s OK to feel under prepared or feel nervous because you haven’t done this before- chances are you haven’t! That’s what’s exciting! You’re starting something new! Give yourself credit for even trying something out! You’ll be surprised how much you can learn with the help of your music teacher.

All of the teachers at The Musicians Woodshed are Austin-based musicians that are excited to meet new students and help you in any way they can. The first things our music teachers go over usually don’t even involve the instrument, they involve getting to know their student better! Your first conversation with your instructor is likely to be about what kind of music you like and what you’re wanting to accomplish learning music.
Don’t know?
That’s OK! Not everybody has a clear cut path or goal in mind when they are first starting out. It’s our instructors’ job to help you find that goal and eventually help you achieve it.
One of the simpler questions an instructor can ask is deceptively the hardest to answer- why are you (the student) wanting to learn music? There is no wrong answer. Every student has different desires and reasons they want to learn music. Not certain, why? We can narrow it down by asking questions like: Are you looking to learn how to read music? Is there a song you want to learn specifically? Are you looking to have fun trying something new?
Are you looking to learn how to sing harmonies? Do you want to perform on stage? Are you wanting to start a band?
Are you wanting to pick up a new hobby? Are you looking to be the next Ed Sheeran, Shawn Mendes, Eddy Van Halen and/or produce a rap album? Finding out what you’re wanting to accomplish with music (even if it’s as simple as it looking cool) is the first step towards discovering the many different facets of music. Still not sure? Your music instructor can help you set short term goals that will introduce you to all the possibilities music has to offer, one lesson at a time!
After establishing goals with your teacher the next step is to go over the basics of your instrument. Basic things like labeling the parts of the guitar, identifying the names of the keys on the piano, introduction to certain breathing techniques, how to properly hold a drumstick, etc. These are simple but necessary ideas for the instructor to cover, not just for your own knowledge but also so the instructor knows what you know about your instrument.