NYSSMA Solos Are Over… What Now?

NYSSMA Solos Are Over… What Now?

The winds of spring are upon us, despite what this week’s 90 degree weather may suggest, and with the winter goes NYSSMA season. Most of our youngsters have made it through the weeks of piano lessons and violin lessons and made it to the fate-filled room. So, what do you do now that it’s over?


Well, first, I suppose, go out for celebratory dinner or frozen yogurt. You’ve made it through! (I used to go to Taco Bell after my NYSSMA Solo Festivals. A good chalupa always shakes off the last of the pre-performance jitters.) The kids at my music school were always told to take a breath and to be proud, regardless of the number on the piece of paper you get back.

Reflect Back On Your Performance

However, it’s definitely not time to pack up the cello and bid the music lessons adieu until next school year. That sheet of paper I referred to before, it should contain some useful criticism and commentary. Use it to reflect. What can you change? What was effective, and shouldn’t be changed?

Pick New Music To Work On

Maybe next year’s solo isn’t the first thing on your mind at the moment, and maybe that’s for the best. Now, you have time to work on some music you might enjoy more! Dabble with some non-traditional pop or jazz, find some sheet music for the soundtrack of your favorite Disney movie. Keep playing. Even just a month of not playing can put you back a few steps!

Try Something New

It’s definitely a good time to look into how you can fill your summer with music. How about a music summer camp? Maybe, take some extra flute lessons. Look into playing with your local community band! (I play with the Huntington Community Band, and it’s my favorite part of the summer.) Towns like Huntington and Smithtown have community arts councils. Get involved!

A high NYSSMA score is always a good goal to strive for during your school year. But, music isn’t always about the scores. Fill your life with music this spring and summer! And, congratulations to all on a job well done at their solo festivals!

Brenda M.

Grace Music School offers music lessons near Deer Park and Centerport to teach proper technique and make you the best musician possible. For more information or to schedule a lesson, call us at 631-239-6169 (Fort Salonga) or 631-470-9705 (Melville).

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