About Miranda Schreiber
Miranda Schreiber is both a composer and pianist who is passionate about utilizing music to paint pictures of the human experience and imagination. As someone who has studied both composition and the piano extensively, she exerts sensitivity to all of the intricacies that composers weave into their works in order to bring the stories, emotions, and characters that they depict to life.
Miranda holds a Bachelor’s in Music Composition from Illinois State University (Summa Cum Laude), as well as a Master’s in Music Composition from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. She has composed for multiple genres within the contemporary classical realm and a handful of jazz charts. She has been commissioned by artists such as Chuck Bontrager, Illinois Modern Ensemble, Fifth House Ensemble (as part of their virtual Fresh Inc Festival 2020), and the Illinois State University Guitar Studio.
In addition to composing multiple works, Miranda has also performed as a pianist: she was selected to perform at the Jury Recognition Recital three times during her undergraduate schooling; she organized and performed a Master’s piano/composition recital during her final semester at the University of Illinois; and she organized and performed another piano/composition recital at the YMCA of the Rockies. Her other solo piano performances have included piano and composition studio recitals, as well as collaborative performances with singers, instrumentalists, jazz big bands, jazz combos, and contemporary worship bands.
As a piano teacher, Miranda believes that every student should be inspired to pursue their unique musical interests while also being pushed slightly outside of their comfort zones. In her spare time, Miranda enjoys rock climbing and partner dancing.