Why Should Kids Play Music?
GET STARTEDOne of the primary inspirations for the founding of Creative Music Center is the importance of music in developing a child’s self-esteem, life skills and critical thinking skills. These are facts empirically proven in study after study. We are proud to provide some of this research (see links below) on our Musical Notes Blog to help parents understand the value of music education as it relates to childhood development. We also know that these findings can be helpful for teachers, administrators and Board of Education members in seeking increases in local music budgets. Much of the research provided before has also been shared with state and national politicians in efforts to provide favorable legislation for music education initiatives.
- Music Research from NAMM https://www.nammfoundation.org/projects/music-research
- An Exciting Way to Raise Kid’s IQs
- Dr. Phil: The Power of Music
- NPR’s Reading, Rhythm & ‘Rithmatic
- The Art of Education Success
- National Association for Music Education https://nafme.org/my-classroom/
- Musical Training Helps Language Processing Studies Show
- How Does Music Effect Academic Performance https://cmcb.org/2022/03/08/children-who-study-music-develop-cross-curricular-skills/?gclid=CjwKCAjwrZOXBhACEiwA0EoRDwq_ncqZ-8DDJfEHkL8J4qxJty-BwF4c5xWwQrZymV_wF3svv6SMlhoC-tgQAvD_BwE
- How Music Education Helps Students Learn, Succeed and Achieve https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED541070.pdf
- Music Participation Is Linked to Teens’ Academic Achievement (Psychology Today) https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-athletes-way/201906/music-participation-is-linked-teens-academic-achievement#:~:text=Music%20students%20have%20higher%20academic,than%20their%20non%2Dmusical%20peers.&text=Students%20who%20participate%20in%20music,a%20new%20large%2Dscale%20study.
- Does Musical Training Improve School Performance
https://www.artsedsearch.org/study/does-musical-training-improve-school-performance/ - Music Education and Academic Performance (NAMFE) https://nafme.org/advocacy/what-to-know/music-education-and-academic-achievement/