
Please read these policies carefully as many have changed from last year. By accepting these policies, you agree that these policies will apply to any purchase of services from Ensemble Schools AZ LLC dba Classic Image Dance (“CID”), whether for yourself or on behalf another person, and you and any other such person will be bound by these policies and any other terms of such purchase.

Register Online at: https://www.ensembleschools.com/classic-image-dance/

Registration will also be accepted in person at the studio.


A seasonal Membership Fee is required to participate in classes at CID and is charged at the time of registration. We offer a standard & premium membership. Families may upgrade their membership to premium within 30 days of registration. Membership Fees are non-refundable and non-transferrable. For all new students, class apparel is included in your membership fee.

2024-2025 CALENDAR (CLASSES BEGIN JUNE 17th – dates are tentative & subject to change)

Jun. 17First day of Classes
Jul. 4Independence Day – Studio Closed
Jul. 22-27Intercessional Break – No Classes
Sept. 2Labor Day – Studio Closed
Sept. 30-Oct. 5Fall Break – No classes
Nov. 23 or 24Holiday Showcase
Nov. 26-30Thanksgiving Holiday – Studio Closed
Dec. 23-Jan.5Holiday Break – No classes
Mar. 10-15Spring Break – No classes
Apr. TBARecital Pictures
Apr. 19Easter Break – Studio Closed
Jun. 2-3In-Studio Recital Rehearsals (tentative)
Jun. 5Recital Dress Rehearsal (tentative)
Jun. 8Spring Recital Extravaganza (tentative)
Jun. 9-14Intersessional Break – No classes


  • Tuition rates are for the full season (including studio holidays), from June 17 through June 8 (or the day of the Spring Recital Extravaganza), not by the number of classes in the month. A full season of dance includes a minimum of 44 lessons. Tuition fees are paid monthly, semi-annually (day of enrollment & Nov. 15th) or annually and are inclusive of costumes for the Holiday showcase & June Recital. Refunds for annual tuition only can be requested until December 31st and are subject to a 15% processing fee after the 30-day notice.
  • After registering (paying first month’s tuition + membership fee), monthly tuition must be paid by automatic EFT or automatic credit card payment. Tuition will be debited from your account (or charged to your credit card) on or around 28th day of each month. There is a 3.5% convenience fee on credit or debit card payments. To avoid this fee, cash or check payments will be accepted until the 25th of each month, or choose the EFT option.
  • Accounts not paid within the terms are subject to an accruing 5% monthly finance charge and discontinued services until paid. Accounts more than 60 days past due may be submitted to collection services. In the unlikely event that your account becomes delinquent and is referred to our outside collection agency, you agree to pay all cost of collections, attorney fees and court cost.
  • In order to ensure consistency and growth for dancers in their weekly dance curriculum and show schedule (Holiday Show – November, Recital – June) – all dancers are enrolled for an entire season (date of enrollment-Recital) or at minimum one semester (Semester 1: June-November, Semester 2: December-June) of the dance season. If for any reason you decide not to participate in the entire season of dance, you will be responsible for the remaining balance of that semester’s tuition when you withdraw.
  • CID is an approved vendor for the State of Arizona’s ESA program and accepts ESA funds for tuition. To pay with ESA funds, a credit card or bank account is required to be on file with CID and you must notify us in writing (Google Form completed) that you will be using ESA funds for payment. If you choose the reimbursement option, CID will provide you with an invoice to submit to ESA by the last day of each quarter. Payment must be received from ESA no later than the 10th of the month.

For your convenience, and to reserve space for the following season, seasonal membership fees will be automatically renewed and applied to your account on April 15, 2025, unless a Membership Change form is completed in the office a minimum of 10 days prior.


  • Siblings receive a 10% discount on the smaller tuition account for regular school year classes. No sibling discounts are offered for special events, guest artists, membership fees or for Performing Group AIB.
  • Dancers are encouraged to take advantage of our Multi-Class Discounts for maximum progress & value.

I hereby authorize Classic Image Dance to electronically debit my bank account for the amount of any NSF authorization and a $20 service charge. In addition to the $20 NSF fee there will be interest charged at 5% for any balance uncollected beyond 30 days.

The full dance season runs June to June and students benefit from participation for the entire season. Dance is a sport that requires consistency for growth to occur. If, for whatever reason you decide not to participate in the entire season, you will be responsible for the remaining balance of the semester tuition when you withdraw. When dancers leave mid-semester, it does affect the rest of the dancers and the teacher in the class, so we try to avoid that when at all possible to ensure success for all. The semester terms are June-November and December-June. At any point, you can request the withdrawal form by emailing info@classicimagedance.com. You must complete it and then our staff will finalize the withdrawal and charge the remainder of the semester tuition to your account. Classic Image Dance reserves the right to terminate lessons to any students without notice. In such a case a refund for unused lessons will be given.

All private lessons canceled with more than 24 hours’ notice will receive a full studio credit or rescheduling of the lesson (For Collective solo rehearsal cancellation policies, please see the Collective handbook). No-show lessons or lessons canceled with less than 24 hours’ notice will be charged the full amount.


  • CID reserves the right to provide a substitute or replacement teacher as CID may deem necessary.
  • CID reserves the right to reschedule or combine classes.
  • CID reserves the right to deliver class content via an online system in the event that classes are not able to be conducted live for any reason, including, but


  • Tuition & Membership Fees are not refundable for any reason. Refunds are only issued when CID cancels a class due to low enrollment.
  • Account credit will be issued when the student or parent initiates the schedule change. Credit will be applied to any CID tuition or fees due within one year.
  • No refunds or credits will be given if a similar online class is provided in place of an in-studio class.

CID requires all staff and students to stay home when they are ill or experiencing any symptoms associated with any illness or communicable condition. In order to reduce community spread of COVID-19 and other communicable illnesses and conditions, we follow best practices and recommendations from our local health department and from our industry associations – More Than Just Great Dancing!® and Youth Protection Advocates in Dance. CID focuses on a hierarchy of measures beginning with keeping ill people home, followed by frequent hand cleaning and good hygiene practices, studio cleaning & disinfecting, and curricular and facility adaptations when and where necessary. All studio classes are backed up on an online learning platform. In the event a class is unable to be held at the studio, classes will convert to an online learning platform until in-studio classes can resume. CID is committed to providing a safer dance studio experience. Accordingly, CID emphasizes “safety first,” and that it is each member and each member’s parent/guardian’s responsibility to promote safety in the dance studio to the extent that such promotion is within their control. By remaining safety-conscious, all members and their parents/guardians can protect themselves and their peers. All members and their guardians are encouraged to bring any concerns relating to health and safety to CID personnel, regardless of how minor the concern may be, as prompt reporting enables CID to assess and, if necessary, revise/correct any potential health or safety hazards. CID will continue to monitor and update its policies relating to the health and safety of all persons involved with CID, and will continue to take all commercially reasonable steps to advance the health and safety of all members and other persons.


  • A lost and found tub is located in the lobby. Please check the lost and found tub regularly as all lost and found items are donated to Goodwill on the 30th of each month.
  • Security cameras are located in public areas for safety and security. CID does not make security or video data available to students or parents.
  • CID is not responsible for any lost or stolen items. Please do not leave belongings unattended.
  • Dancers are encouraged to take dance bags into classrooms with them. Cubbies are available in the girl’s dressing room for bags & shoes during class. Leave all valuable items at home. CID is not responsible for lost or stolen items left unattended
  • Lockers are also available for rent for your security and convenience.

At CID we go to great lengths to keep you informed and up to date on regular studio happenings:

  • Weekly E-Newsletters, Email, Facebook and Lobby Communication Center
  • Follow @classicimagedance on Facebook and Instagram for weekly updates
  • Join our CID Parent & Student Community Page on Facebook to connect with faculty and families
  • Recital Handbook – given out at Costume Week and published on our Recital Website
  • Conferences – Available for students in our Graded Technique Program
  • Questions – We are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding your dancer or our programs. Let us know if we can help you in any way.

Regular attendance is vital to student progress and group choreography. Please make every effort to attend each class. Students may make up missed classes until April 1. If you miss more than two of the final eight classes before recital you may be dismissed from participating in the recital routine at the discretion of the teacher. Please report all absences via the website link or by calling the studio.

The last 5 minutes of the last lesson of most months is open to observations by parents or guardians. Other in-class observation is at the teacher’s discretion. We ask that you observe quietly, that cell phones be turned off, and that siblings are monitored and quiet during observations. At all other times, observation from the lobby is available on our television monitors and through our online class viewing system (registration for Watch Me Grow is required).

In the event of extreme weather or events beyond our control, such as power outages, an email will be sent and a Facebook post will be made by 2:00pm if classes are canceled (by 8:30am for morning classes). Please note we do not necessarily follow school closings. Any canceled classes may be made up on your own time from our regular schedule of in-person and on-line classes based upon availability. In the event there is not a make up class available, a replacement class will be scheduled.

Proper attire, shoes and hair etiquette are required for all classes. Failure to wear required dance wear to class could result in students being asked to sit out the class. Repeated failure to wear required dance wear could result in the termination of lessons. Students are not permitted to wear jeans or shoes worn on the street or outdoors to any class. For safety reasons, dancers and tumblers are not allowed to wear any jewelry. Long hair must be pulled away from the face. Dress code is available in the Parent/Student Handbook and on the Class Schedule sheets.


  • All classes have a costume unless noted on the schedule
  • There are no additional fees for participation in the June recital or each class’s costumes. Costumes are ordered in early November
  • Students are measured for costumes in classes in the fall and they will be delivered to you during Costume Week in February or March. Costumes will be fitted to each dancer prior to costume week by a CID staff member. Minor alterations for straps and pant lengths are included. Any other alterations will be at the discretion of the director. Costumes are not custom made, therefore the fit will not be a custom fit.
  • If your dancer transfers or adds a class after Dec. 15th, you will be responsible for purchasing a costume for their new class. We will do our best to sell the original costume to another dancer, but make no guarantees.


  • Each June, we end our season with our fully-staged, professional Spring Recital Extravaganza. All students are automatically registered for the annual Recital in June. Participation in the recital is not required, however, it is highly encouraged as it is a positive experience for everyone involved.
  • Spring Recital dates and mandatory rehearsal dates are published at the top of this document, on the Recital Handout in October, on our Recital Website and in Newsletters from October-June. Specific show assignments are published in the February Newsletter. Specific rehearsal assignments are tentatively published in the March Newsletter
  • Special requests to adjust rehearsal and recital times are accepted until January 31st. We attempt to accommodate every school’s activities while meeting the technical demands of the show.
  • Tickets will be available for purchase through a ticketing service starting in April (date TBA). Ticket prices typically range from $18-$30 depending on venue.

The school is not responsible for providing before or after class care for students. Students are not to be left at the school for excessive time periods before or after their classes. Students 2-7 years old should be escorted by a parent/guardian into the studio and meet their teacher in the lobby before class. All parents are responsible for making sure their child safely enters our school, regardless of their age. Students are NOT allowed to be dropped off at the curb with the assumption of CID staff and/or faculty being present. Parents/Guardians are requested to be in the school’s vicinity within 5 minutes of their child’s dismal from class. A courtesy call should be made if the parent/guardian of the student will be late, allowing the instructor and student to be notified in a timely manner. Dancers with multiple classes in a night should bring homework, a book to read or other activity to quietly occupy any time between their classes.

We ask that all students leave their cell phones at home. Students are welcome to use the studio phone to communicate with parents when necessary or vice versa. For students bringing their cell phones with them to the studio, they are required to turn them in to the front desk upon arrival for safe keeping. Cell phones, under no circumstances, are ever allowed in bathrooms or dressing rooms, or rooms used as dressing rooms during special events. CID is not responsible for any content students access on their cell phones or other electronic devices while at the studio. Cell phones not turned in to the front desk and found, will be held for safe keeping at the front desk and returned to the student at the end of their final class.

Lockers are available for rent for $100 per year per locker. Students will receive a studio-issued lock for their locker. Lockers will automatically renew on July 1st. If you do not wish to renew, please clean out the locker and return the lock to the front desk by June 30th. Locks found on lockers not rented, will be cut off and contents will be available at the desk. All lockers are subject to search by CID management.

Class placement and advancement are determined solely by the instructor. Dance education requires “hands-on” instruction as well as verbal instruction. Instructors will regularly correct your child by touching their arms, legs, feet, hips, back and head to move them to the correct position. Instructors will also verbally correct your child during the class and offer encouraging feedback. Students will spend an average of 2 years in each graded technique level – a learning year and a leading year.

Payment for summer camps is due in full at the time of registration. Refunds, less a 15% processing fee will be issued until May 1st only.


  • I have read and agree to abide by Ensemble Schools AZ LLC dba Classic Image Dance (herein CID) policies, including the policies regarding tuition, membership fees, auto-renewal, service delivery, late charges, refunds, costume fees, attendance and dance attire
  • I understand that CID reserves the right to refuse instruction to anyone not abiding by CID policies