The Positive Effects of Dance on Young Children
For our littlest dancers at Classic Image Dance dance is about much more than learning how to move to music! While the steps are important, of course, what’s even more special are the life skills that are introduced in our younger classes.
Learning how to be a good friend is one of those skills—it’s the character quality of kindness that surfaces in dance class as our students understand how to interact with their peers. Because their minds are exceptionally neuroplastic and adaptable, our students’ early friendship skills give them the chance to develop valuable communication tools at a young age.
Children are also developing their self-control in dance class, learning how to express their imaginations and emotions while participating in a group activity. In class, our students are learning how to take turns and how to listen to the teacher (and each other), which helps them learn patience and poise.
Through dance, even our youngest students are living out our mission to develop more than just technical skills. They are learning how to become kind, confident, and disciplined people in the world; the kind of people whose influence will make a difference!
Dancingly Yours,
Ms. Shannon