The Benefits of Recital – Beyond the Performance

The Benefits of Recital – Beyond the Performance

New knowledge and skills abound when it comes to preparing for the recital … and we’re not just talking about learning dance steps! There’s more than meets the eye when it comes to all of the advantages of recital participation. Check out some of the unique benefits your child will acquire that go beyond the performance itself:

Memorization Skills

Not only is your child enhancing their gross motor skills by learning choreography and improving their technique, they are also building strong memorization skills. Remembering a recital dance requires lots of repetition with the correct movements so that the dancer’s brain and body can work together to recall the steps during the performance.


Learning and practicing a recital dance also helps a dancer develop his or her musicality. Counting music and using rhythmic patterns are a part of every style of dance, at every age! From a syncopated hip hop routine to a classical ballet waltz, recital routines can showcase a range of musical skills and boost your child’s confidence with moving in time to the music.

Backstage Etiquette

Your child will also be taught proper backstage conduct, such as waiting respectfully for their turn onstage and applauding others after each routine. In addition, they’ll begin understanding basic stage directions and terminology, such as “upstage,” “downstage,” and “wings.” Participation in the dress rehearsal also helps acquaint them with all of the relevant cues they need to know for the big day.


Let’s be honest, being onstage can be daunting no matter how old you are! The recital offers your child the opportunity to build their courage in front of an audience, a skill that will continue to serve them throughout school and eventually, in the workforce. Courageously persevering through fear, anxiety, or insecurity is something we want all of our students to learn … and something we know will continue to benefit them multiple times over!

It’s pretty cool to see how the recital positively affects our students, year after year. It’s quite special for us to have a role in their lives introducing these benefits and helping them grow! And while we know you expect to see your child’s progress as a dancer (and we love seeing that too) we also hope you will see their growth in unexpected ways, like the ones we’ve talked about here.

Have you noticed some of these qualities and skills in your child already? Share your experience with us in the comments or at the studio! We’d love to hear about the advantages your dancer is already experiencing as we move closer and closer to the recital! Dancingly Yours, Ms. Shannon

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